INS LifeGuard
Have you started exploring the benefits of home automation?
Whether it’s welcoming Alexa into your home to let you know how the weather is or using Google Nest to open and close your blinds, home automation is becoming more and more popular.
But home automation isn’t just great for playing your favourite songs. It can also be used for security purposes so that you can keep your family safe. For example, you can turn power points off if you’ve accidentally left an appliance on or activate a strobe light when you require assistance. It’s even possible to lock your doors by hitting a button on your SmartHome IP Dialler touch screen.
It doesn’t matter if you live alone or with friends and family. These are some of the home automation and security products worth looking into to have the peace of mind that everyone in the house is safe.
How many times have you taken a seat in your comfiest chair only to hear a knock at the door? Now you have to get back up to see who it is. This wireless door strike is compatible with the SmartHome IP Dialler and allows you to lock or unlock it with the touch of the button. You can even buzz people in so you don’t have to get up.
This remote power controller lets you choose which points in the house are turned on or off. You don’t even have to be in the same room to hit the switch. If you’ve left the kettle on or the iron out, then you’ll be able to turn them off through your SmartHome IP Dialler safely.
The Security Key Holder is a literal lifesaver. You can install this device near the electricity box so that it’s easily accessible. If your door is locked and you require medical assistance, then your door doesn’t have to be broken for emergency responders to enter your home. INS LifeGuard can provide them with an access code to access your spare keys so they can get to you quicker.
Every home should have a smoke alarm. If you’re looking to replace one or upgrade your existing detector, then this product is worth acquiring. What sets this smoke detector apart is that it will not only sound an alarm, but it will also transmit a signal to the INS Emergency Response Centre to alert emergency personnel so you can get the help you need.
Have you ever woken up in the middle of the night wondering if you’ve left the light on? Maybe you’ve dropped something while in bed and need to turn the lights on. Now you don’t have to touch another light switch. The Inline Light Controller allows you to operate all of the lights in your house through the SmartHome IPD touch screen. It’s much easier than walking around in the dark.
Home automation and security products are getting more advanced every day. They are also making homes safer and reducing the risk of accidents happening. Controlling them through the INS SmartHome IPD touch screen is easy too. It doesn’t matter how computer-literate you are.
If you’re looking to upgrade your home and make it safer for you and the family, then head over to the INS Shop to see the full range of products available.
INS LifeGuard is the only 24/7 nurse on-call personal and medical monitoring in Australia. We provide monitoring technology for both in the home and on the go and can also monitor other provider's equipment. Our services are suitable for anyone wanting support to stay independent such as the elderly, those with medical conditions and disabilities plus enhancing safety and security for lone workers.
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INS LifeGuard is the only nurse on-call personal and medical alarm service in Australia. If you would like more information about INS LifeGuards solutions, visit our website here.
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INS LifeGuard is the only nurse on-call personal and medical alarm service in Australia. If you would like more information about INS LifeGuards solutions, visit our website
INS LifeGuard is the only nurse on-call personal emergency response service in Australia. We have a commitment to healthcare innovation which includes personal alarms and medical alert solutions that make independence easier, safer and more enjoyable.
Our services support Seniors, Carers, Providers, NDIS Participants, Retirement Villages, DVA, Lone Workers and anyone that wants the security that help is a press of a button away.
PO Box 485 Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia
INS LifeGuard
International Enquiries
INS CareCall supplies and monitors emergency response equipment and services, including hardware manufactured by Chiptech, Smart-Caller, SmartLink, and the LifeGuard L-Series Diallers.
Monitoring of alarms is provided through INS LifeGuard's unique Emergency Response Centre, which is the only personal alarm response centre staffed by qualified nurses. This is an important distinction.
PO Box 485 Unanderra NSW 2526 Australia
INS LifeGuard
International Enquiries